Publication Ethics

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

The International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology (IJSRMST) is committed to maintain fair practice of publication. Our main aim is to provide original research content and it is open out for readers across the globe.

IJSRMST is a peer-reviewed international journal which maintains highest level of ethics, communication and educational expectation. The published article in this journal will be accurate, real, updated and trustworthy. The parties, which involve in the act of publishing viz; the editor, reviewer, author, the publisher, and society (if any) should agree upon this publication ethics and publication malpractice statement of the IJSRMST.

Duties of Editors

  • Publication decisions: Editors have the complete authority to accept, reject, or request revisions to manuscripts based on the review report of the Editorial Review Board.
  • Manuscript Review: Editors are responsible for ensuring that each manuscript is initially evaluated for originality using appropriate software. Upon completion of the desk review, the manuscript is sent for blind peer review to the editorial review board for a recommendation on acceptance, rejection, or modification.
  • Fair Review: Each manuscript submitted to the International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology (IJSRMST) must be reviewed for its intellectual content regardless of the author's gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc.
  • Assuring confidentiality: It is the editor's responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of information regarding manuscripts submitted by authors.
  • Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest: Without the author's written consent, the editor of this journal may not use unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript for his/her own research.
  • Errata Information: Errata pages must be published or corrections must be made when necessary by the editor.
  • Guidelines for Ethical Conduct: All research material published by the editor should adhere to international ethical guidelines.
  • Evidence of Misconduct: Editors should not reject papers simply on the basis of a suspicion; they must have evidence of misconduct.
  • Accountability: As part of their role as journal editors, they attend four annual meetings through video conferences or virtual communications and advise on journal policies and scope as well as suggest ideas, new initiatives, and programs for publication in the journal if needed. The reviewers may identify topics for special issues, review submitted manuscripts, or invite new authors and submissions if necessary.

Authors' duties:

  • Guidelines for publication: It is the author's responsibility to follow the journal's submission guidelines. (See submission guidelines policies)
  • Work of Originality: It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their work is entirely original. It is the responsibility of the authors to certify that their manuscript has not been published elsewhere previously.
  • Submissions at multiple journals: It is the responsibility of the authors to certify that the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Process of peer review: Authors must participate in the peer review process. (see review process and expected timeline)
  • Paper Authorship: Each author listed in the paper must have contributed significantly to the research.
  • Retention of raw data: In order for their manuscript to be reviewed by an editor, the authors are required to provide raw data related to their manuscript.
  • Data Authenticity: It is the author's responsibility to identify all sources used in the preparation of their manuscript. The authenticity and reliability of all data in the paper must be stated by the authors.
  • Author Conflicts of Interest: Conflicts of interest should be disclosed by authors to the Editors.
  • Fundamental errors: Whenever an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the manuscript, he or she is required to retract or correct the manuscript.
  • Checklist for submissions: There is a checklist form for author submissions (see the form) that must be completed by all authors.
  • Human subject’s research: For research involving human subjects, all authors must cite approval from an institutional review board (IRB).

Reviewers' responsibilities:

  • Maintaining confidentiality: All information regarding papers should be kept confidential and treated as privileged information by the reviewers.
  • Source Acknowledgment: It is the responsibility of the reviewer to ensure that all sources of data used in the research have been acknowledged.
  • Objectivity standards: Reviewers should conduct their reviews objectively, without expressing any personal bias against the author (see the manuscript review title for more information).
  • Argument in support: It is important for reviewers to clearly express their opinions and provide supporting evidence
  • Fraud, plagiarism, and other ethical concerns: Reviewers should inform editors if they suspect or find a manuscript is a substantial copy of another work, citing the previous work.
  • Work Relevant to the Topic: It is the responsibility of the reviewer to identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors.
  • Author Conflicts of Interest: Those reviewing manuscripts should not have any conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the manuscript.
  • Availability: Whenever a reviewer feels that he or she is unable to complete the review within the specified time frame, that information must be conveyed to the editor so that another reviewer may be assigned to the manuscript.
  • Responsibility: Two annual meetings are held by the editorial board through video conferences or virtual communications. Review members provide ideas, new initiatives, and programs to be included in the journal when necessary. As part of their duties, they examine manuscripts submitted for publication, identify topics for special issues, and if necessary, invite new authors and submissions.

Journal content access

Publishers are committed to making scholarly research permanently available and preserving and ensuring accessibility to scholarly materials by partnering with organizations and maintaining their own digital archives. It is an open-access journal.