
  • Ashim Kumar Baidya Research Scholar, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh Author
  • Dr. Prasanta Kumar Barik Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Author


Issues and Challenges, Education, North-East India, Schedule Tribe


Education is the most essential element for the enhancement of any country. For this, education structure needs to ensure the advantage of education to all people of the nation, removing the disparities irrespective of category, religion, caste, sex and geographical location. If we overlook all over the world, the status of schedule Caste and schedule tribes are backward in compared with the other people. The term tribal came from ‘tribe’ which refers to a class of human social group.  According to some studies on tribal education the tribal community especially who live in North Eastern region of India are neglected by others. In every aspect of development, the government policy maker of our country make plan for them, but sorrowfully these communities are unable to make them in the same level with the mainstream of the society. This study tried to find out the drawbacks of this tribe particularly in the aspect of education. The study also clarify the cause behind the backwardness of educational status related to socio-economic condition, academic cause and personal cause of students from primary to higher education stage. From time to time government implemented various plans and schemes for tribal education. This study also tries to give some suggestion for development of tribal education. And finally the findings of the present study would be helpful to tribal education for giving suitable guideline about all-purposes of education. The study deals particularly with the tribes of North East India in regard to education of all three stages and carries out the present status of it.




How to Cite

ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF TRIBAL EDUCATION IN NORTH-EAST INDIA. (2023). International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology, 2(9), 75-80.