Frustration-Aggression: Revisited


  • Dr. Qazi Asim Alam Assistant Professor, Shibli National P.G. College, Azamgarh- 276001 Author


Violence, Physical or Verbal behaviour, Instinctive tendency, Acquired behaviour, Facilitator or Inhibitors, Humanity


The entire history of human race is full of worst record of violence and aggression. Aggression precisely is just violent physical or verbal behaviour intended to hurt someone physically, mentally or both. Freud (1930) and Konard Lorenz (1966) thought it to be innate and instinctive tendency forcing one to resort to violence and aggressions. Baron, 1977; Berkowitz, 1969; Buss, 1961; Zillman, 1979 conceived aggression as acquired behaviour. The entire history of human race is full of worst record of violence and aggression. Aggression precisely is just violent physical or verbal behaviour intended to hurt someone physically, mentally or both. Freud (1930) and Konard Lorenz (1966) thought it to be innate and instinctive tendency forcing one to resort to violence and aggressions. Baron, 1977; Berkowitz, 1969; Buss, 1961; Zillman, 1979 conceived aggression as acquired behaviour. Yet another view held that frustration is the sole cause of aggression (Neal Miller, 1941). To conclude the discussion, It is felt that frustration may be responsible for aggression yet it is not the sole determiner of verbal and physical aggression. It appears that aggression is the byproduct of social learning along with several other instigator such as group mind or deindividuation and a host of social, cognitive and environmental factors that predisposed and precipitate aggression. Further society and culture may also contribute as facilitator or inhibitors of aggressive behaviour.




How to Cite

Frustration-Aggression: Revisited. (2023). International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology, 2(12), 48-53.