Unraveling the Threads of Academic Stress: Exploring Theoretical Constructs and Coping Mechanisms


  • Samiran Kalita Research Scholar, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh Author
  • Dr. Nisanth P.M. Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh Author


Academic Stress, Students, Stressors, Coping stress


Academic stress has a significant impact on students' lives and has a direct impact on their performance and success. A major cause of stress among students is their academic stress. Academic stress plays a crucial role in order to mobilize individuals' potential to enhance their efficiency. This paper explores various facets of academic stress and its causes on educational setting. The Researcher attempt to identify the sources of academic stress through in-depth analysis of secondary data and discusses variouscoping mechanisms how to alleviate stress among students and become more driven to learn and successful learners.




How to Cite

Unraveling the Threads of Academic Stress: Exploring Theoretical Constructs and Coping Mechanisms. (2023). International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology, 2(12), 68-73. https://ijsrmst.com/index.php/ijsrmst/article/view/174